The first episode of Game of Thrones season 4 aired on 6th April 2014. The last episode of season 4, the 10th episode, concluded on 15th June 2014. Each episode aired every week. Here’s the Game of Thrones run time and length of each episode of season 4.
Game of Thrones (GoT) Season 4 Episode List, Run Time, and Length
Below is the run time of each episode of Game of Thrones (GoT) S4.
Episode Name | Episode Number | Run Time / Length |
Two Swords | S4E1 | 58 minutes |
The Lion and the Rose |
S4E2 | 52 minutes |
Breaker of Chains | S4E3 | 56 minutes |
Oathkeeper | S4E4 | 55 minutes |
First of His Name | S4E5 | 53 minutes |
The Laws of Gods and Men |
S4E6 | 50 minutes |
Mockingbird | S4E7 | 51 minutes |
The Mountain and the Viper |
S4E8 | 52 minutes |
The Watchers on the Wall |
S4E9 | 50 minutes |
The Children | S4E10 | 65 minutes |
| TOTAL GoT S4 Run Time | 542 minutes |
So the total run time of Game of Thrones (GoT) season 4 is 542 minutes or exactly 9 hours and 2 minutes.
What is the run time of Game of Thrones season 4 episode 1?
The run time of Game of Thrones (GoT) S4E1 “Two Swords” is 58 minutes.
What is the run time of Game of Thrones season 4 episode 2?
The run time of Game of Thrones (GoT) S4E2 “The Lion and the Rose” is 52 minutes.
What is the run time of Game of Thrones season 4 episode 3?
The run time of Game of Thrones (GoT) S4E3 “Breaker of Chains” is 56 minutes.
What is the run time of Game of Thrones season 4 episode 4?
The run time of Game of Thrones (GoT) S4E4 “Oathkeeper” is 55 minutes.
What is the run time of Game of Thrones season 4 episode 5?
The run time of Game of Thrones (GoT) S4E5 “First of His Name” is 53 minutes.
What is the run time of Game of Thrones season 4 episode 6?
The run time of Game of Thrones (GoT) S4E6 “The Laws of Gods and Men” is 50 minutes.
What is the run time of Game of Thrones season 4 episode 7?
The run time of Game of Thrones (GoT) S4E7 “Mockingbird” is 51 minutes.
What is the run time of Game of Thrones season 4 episode 8?
The run time of Game of Thrones (GoT) S4E8 “The Mountain and the Viper” is 52 minutes.
What is the run time of Game of Thrones season 4 episode 9?
The run time of Game of Thrones (GoT) S4E9 “The Watchers on the Wall” is 50 minutes.
What is the run time of Game of Thrones season 4 episode 10?
The run time of Game of Thrones (GoT) S4E10 “The Children” is 65 minutes.
Here’s looking at other questions regarding Game of Thrones season 4 that you might have.
How many episodes does Game of Thrones season 4 have?
Game of Thrones (GoT) season 4 has a total of 10 episodes.
What is the total run time of Game of Thrones season 4?
The total run time of all the episodes of season 4 of GoT combined is 542 minutes or 9 hours and 2 minutes. It will take a total of 9 hours and 2 minutes to complete season 4 of Game of Thrones.
Can you watch Game of Thrones season 4 on Amazon Prime Video or Netflix?
No, Game of Thrones season 4 cannot be watched on Prime Video or Netflix.