ईमित्र पर कई बार जब पीडीऍफ़ फाइल डिजिटल साइन होकर आती है और हम उसे अपने कंप्यूटर पर खोलकर देखते है तो उस पर ? प्रश्नवाचक निशान आ जाता है जो की कही भी काम नही आएगी उसका प्रिंट.
इसलिए हमें निम्न उपाय करने चाहिए
The first thing that you should check after receiving digital certificate from your source is to make sure that the digital signatures on it are validated. It is important to validate the digital signature to check the authenticity of digital certificate.
How to validate digital signatures in digital certificate
Before you start to validate the signatures, ensure that you have opened the digital certificate PDF document using Adobe Reader software.
Follow the steps below to validate the digital signature in digital certificate :
Step 1: The digital signature can be seen on the last page of the digital certificate . Click on the digital signature image.
Step 2: A new window ‘Signature Validation Status’ will appear on your screen. Click on ‘Signature Properties’ button.
Step 3: Again a new window ‘Signature Properties’ will appear. Click on ‘Show Signer’s Certificate’.
Step 4: A certificate viewer window will appear. Click on Trust tab.
Step 5: In the trust tab, click on ‘Add to Trust Identities’ button. It will open ‘Acrobat Security’ Message Box.
Step 6: In the ‘Acrobat Security’ Message Box, click on ‘OK’ and it will open ‘import contact settings’.
Step 7: In the ‘Import Contact Settings’ window, select the certificate as ‘trusted root’ and click on OK.
Step 8: Once ‘ok’ is clicked, you will be returned to the ‘Certificate Viewer’ window. Click ‘OK’
Step 9: Once you have clicked OK, you will be returned to ‘Signature Properties’ window. Here click on ‘Verify Certificate’ or ‘Validate Signature’ button.
Once it is clicked, in the ‘Signature Properties’ window, you can see the signature will be shown as valid. Click on ‘Close’ and digital signature on your digital certificate will be validated.
Originally posted 2019-12-24 09:05:02.